Spring Endeavors: Surtex 2007
Our Summer endeavors our a direct result of Springtime madness and preparing for Surtex, our annual tradeshow. I'm going to transfer postings from CreativeGoddess, a blog that combines ECStewart Collections, CalligraphyPets and my creative life.

I know I should be more talkative about the annual tradeshow we participate in (SURTEX), but I get so darn busy from February to Mid-May that I don't give myself time to think - much less work out at the gym that my body craves.
It's Friday Night and my husband, Andrew has accompanied me to NYC for the said tradeshow as he has always done the past 4 years. We drove up from Raleigh yesterday, arrived ~10pm last evening exhausted. We unloaded the Element with most of our important IP collateral (imagery + prototypes) and brought them up to the room -I even asked the Bellman to allow me to accompany him up the back elevators due to my over protective nature. After all, I did spend hours upon hours creating and developing them. ;)
This morning, we transported the collateral back down to the Element and drove them to Javits; most of the booth is now installed with minor inconveniences. Mainly, we destroyed our brand new soft cork flooring with a cool new trolley we borrowed -the feet continuously poked holes thru-out the edge as we thoughtfully moved it from one panel to another, climbing up, installing, climbing down. Damn. We were both excited to have this foam core flooring to stand on (esp Andrew since he's recently had his infamous back surgery). Andrew tried to encourage me with statements like, "It'll pop back up." "It doesn't look that bad."
Later, when Andrew was installing the nightly wall coverings (one must do this to prevent easy image theft) I asked him if we were going to remove the floor each time -especially when our calendar is booked to bolt out of the doors to the parties and dinners we have planned -he acquiesced. Too bad, the floor would have been dynamite to use and we're out over $100 due to our negligence.
We missed lunch today and we were starved, so for dinner, we headed to our favorite Italian Restaurant: Focacceria (Greenwich Village) for Chicken Ravioli & Chocolate moltan lava cake. Tomorrow, we must rise early (O Wicked Sun, You Bring Bags to my Eyes), get back to the booth to eagerly complete it so that we can walked ICFF and attend a few parties at night.
Wish us luck!
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