Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Just Because you Have A Logo Doesn't mean You Have A Brand

I read a story in the Wall Street Journal last week about a company that offers customers access to designers who will design them a logo for a comparitively minimal fee. For a little more money they'll even design stationery, business cards and some internal signage. Poof! Instant identity. It all sounds great, and I'm sure some of their customers get a relatively nice logo. BUT, a logo does not a brand make.

Remember that today your corporate imagery is generally only a small component of your overall brand presentation. Customer service, professionalism, product quality, clarity of message, delivery on your promises are all components that make up the definition of your brand in your customers mind. With the abundance of new technologies, communications tools and competition out there it is more important than ever for businesses of any size to understand the power of a holistic brand approach.

You may be able to get a corporate identity for a few hundred bucks, but don't expect that the company providing it is delivering anything close to a true brand.

One of the most frustrating situations I have ever faced was when executives at a company wanted to spend a fortune to promote their logo and in order to do it were willing to cut their training, product design, competitive intelligence and customer support programs. Afterall the logo was their brand and it was the most important thing for stakeholders (customers and investors) to be aware of. Needless to say it failed miserably. In the end customers were confronted by sales people who could not articulate the company mission, products that were sub-par for their industry and inconsistent customer service. The fact that the customers knew what the logo looked like was irrelevant to their actual brand experience.

Is your logo your brand or is your entire business your brand. Ask yourself this question then ask your customers. If the only thing distinguishing about you is your logo you have a lot of work to do.


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