Friday, April 25, 2008

Creating Your Marriage Byline

Have you ever, ever thought about creating a marriage byline? It didn't occur to us to create one until tonight.

We've returned to Las Vegas this week to walk a couple of tradeshows: ACRE and Interop.

Looking for dinner at 9 o'clock at night (6pm East Coast time) within our hotel, the prices of oh, just about everything, blind sighted me. As we were shuffling from one restaurant to another looking for a decent bite, I noticed that all restaurants were competitively priced and Andrew lamented, "Ya know, we should decide when we're going to have a nice meal." I asked him to define "nice" as we stood in front of each menu that wouldn't let the average person walk out of anything less than $30/per. Eventually, we found sandwiches and a bottle of wine at a gift shop for ~$45; this allowed us to escape the pillaging of our wallets of $70, for which we were grateful.

I'm such a Scot when it comes to buying food. Ugh.

Andrew's the font of useless knowledge and fortunately, he's got enough sense of humor to put up with me. We really do enjoy each other's sarcasm -tonight was no different.

We happily returned to the room and flipped on the tele. I'm attempting to balance the little open plastic container that hosts my chicken caesar wrap precariously sitting on the hotel vinyl folder while perched on the white on white duvet pillow topped bed. Out of no where Andrew exclaims, "Oh look! It's Ed Bernstein!"

Immediately I think, "Oh crap, I should know this" as I look up and try to identify the person on the flat panel. My mind races as I try to match his face like a scene on CSI to any one stored in my personal visual database. Nada. I got nuthin. Then I realize it's a local attorney looking for accident victims.


First night in the entertainment capital of the world and suddenly it hit me like casino pit boss: I'm about to byline our marriage.

Our Marriage
Wait! Wait! I should know this!




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