Alliteration Fliteration

Because Mother Goose & Dr. Suess (oooh, I rhymed) was more than a handful a childhood stories to learn by, the these schemas taught us memorization. Singing also teaches memorization, but not many are fascinated with being included in my personal musical.
Simple, familiar sounds work easier at recall magic.
Alliteration is the repetition of the first consonant sound in a phrase. It's also consider a 'head rhyme' because the rhyming begins at the start of the word.
"Bumbling, babbling band of baboons" (Goblet of Fire.)
Rhyming can be used in a specific and a general sense. Feminine, masculine, dactylic, syllabic, imperfect, semirhyme, assonance, consonance, half-rhyme are myriad way one can work unaided recall.
Rhyme Time
Loose Goose
Rumble and Tumble
Slogans: "One flick of your Bic, I can see you're a hick.'"
When I need to memorize words, phrases or ideas, I run thru the list of synonyms, antonyms, and homonyms to speed the recall process.
Product Alliteration
While you're busy managing your memorization, one should also look at business names, processes, and products that need to be named and labeled. When we were crafting the calligraphic style of my pets in 2001, we ran thru a dozen names before Andrew announced, "CalligraphyCats."
It made perfect sense. It's alliterative and it elucidates the form, function, and output of my product.
So, the next time you're dreaming and scheming of your new product line, head to the alliteration station and get your rhyme on.
Now, I think this just might help with my podcasting... Stay tuned!
Labels: brain, memorization, products
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