Stacation Updates: An Effortless Task
This weekend with 'the wall' went up without a hitch. I was really expecting more of a tumultuous issue than we had, but our predecessors helped us out -and you won't believe how!!
After spending an hour Thursday Night clearing out stuff that lay against the wall, Andrew began light demolition the next morning until I returned from my walk. I dragged my sorry butt into the house and he pulled me downstairs to reveal the idiocy left behind by the former owners.
The infamous double doors. (click to enlarge at your discretion)
1+2)Braced by only trim work by our brilliant predecessors. We're thankful we didn't have another hurricane, or worse, a wolf come blowing down our doors!

3+4)Nothing says love like inserting an inappropriate moisture-prone wood door used for dry spaces. They must have installed these for the 'quick sale.'

5+6) Two! Count 'em: 2 micey nests. Tucked neatly under this nasty step -they got in, but they didn't get out. Evidently, they died in place similar to those peat bog burial rituals found in Ireland.

Fast forward to framing
7+8] Jim finally showed after demolition -a much cleaner endeavor- trumor has it that he just got a manicure. Borrowing awesome nail guns from our good neighbor, Mike, we, er, Andrew and Jim built and installed the framing. 9-11) Rubber sheeting applied to outside to prevent moisture and windows installed; Andrew routers out the sections for windows.

12) After cutting and fitting insulation, we used materials given to us by Mike and his former projects -we love handy neighbors. Thanks, Mike! We finally got smart and snapped the drywall to create cleaner openings for the trim that will get inserted. 13) A hard day's work deserves lotsa protein -and a fabbo salad built by Jim. This was definitely photoworthy.

Hints & Tips: Making a Daunting Task Effortless
Sure, I grew up with tools of all kinds and Andrew has an industrial design background, but having these backgrounds doesn't necessarily make any project easy. Keep in mind that:
- Egos are sure to be involved. I have to say, Andrew & I mesh very well when it comes to projects: one is the project lead and the other is minion -and we alternate.
- Another important factor is research. This may be books we bring home from the home improvement store, online searches, even the next door neighbor. Although it was the holiday weekend, Mike availed himself to us for a consult since he's already flipped a house and is now currently working on his deck.
- Right Tools. One needs the right tool for the right job. If you're painting, don't open the can with a screwdriver, snag a churchkey from the paintstore -they're free. If you're doing framing of any kind, use a automatic nailer -it makes a difference. Oh, they're not free, so don't be afraid to rent the tool.
- Friends. There are many a guy out there who insist on doing projects themselves. I know that when strength will be tested on an hourly basis, he's going to need help. Sure, there's always me and I'm usually right in there getting my hands dirty, mosquito bitten, cut, but no matter what it takes, employ the help of a friend. If you think the project will only take 2 people, get a 3rd. Be sure not abuse your friend for stupid tasks -use him only for those that require brut strength. You know there's going to be reciprocity, so choose wisely.
- Know Your Limits. If a project looks simple and you've got the genius to do it, be sure to schedule between the raindrops. Keep a tarp and phone number of a local handyman expert handy.
- Double the cost, Double the time. For any project, estimate how much it will cost, then double it. Estimate the time, and double it.
- Keep a Sense of Humor. Any project can get soured quickly by a number of things -egos, primarily. Remembering the fact that we're all imperfect humans "should" mitigate any disaster -provided it's not a disaster that lands us in ER.
Got any tips? We'd love to hear them!
Next on CREATIVEGoddess: Will Jim ever get his hands dirty? Will the rain and humidity dry up so that we can install our siding and paint our fresh spackled walls? Will I ever get my remodelled production area in a state of extreme efficiency? Will Mike ever finish his deck?? Will Andrew and I finally get the mannies & peddies we so richly deserve??
Stay tuned...
Labels: home renovation, stacation, studio
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