Getting Structured Into Your Own Life

Summer's first heat wave has washed across the SE like an old electric blanket. Smoke residual from the forest fires in the East and the urban heat are beginning to take a toll.
My morning walks with my neighbor and her new baby continue for the second week, er, third week. Last Tuesday was beautiful, but by the time Friday rolled around, we were already lathered by the 2nd lap around the canopied neighborhood. Each morning, the 3 of us walk at least 3 miles at a rather quick pace. My wedding rings have now been pushed to the 'traditional setting' because of swelling, regardless of how much water intake.
Nice time to start a regimen, eh?
What's also remarkable about this little daily constitutional is that what ever issues I have plaguing me, seem to work themselves out; I've heard the same about yoga. Meditation is very much the same -if you've got an issue, make it known to oneself and after the session, it should resolve itself. I'll be resuming that once I can make my physical exercise a mainstay and when I can be confident the pussycats won't disturb me with their feline fiascoes.
J, like any new mom, is eager to step on the scale after sweating her butt off and typically disappointed. And... why is it guys can sneeze and lose 10 lbs? I feel a personal guilt toward my body. I punished my body by not returning to the gym (after the honeymoon) because I didn't lose 1 single pound after 5 weeks of heavy, thorough exercise. After 3 weeks of consistent exercise, I refuse to step on the scale for at least another 6 weeks. I also refuse to punish my body for not responding the way I think it should -after all, I am 7 years older than my last personal training experience.
The Pact
Additionally, Andrew & I have made a pact to push each other but I'm not sure he'll actually use his voice of doom I've taught him. He won't use it on the boyz, so why am I expecting him to use it on me? Returning to our exercise regimen, thus far, is going well. Hitting the cardio and weights 3x a week is feeling rather good.
Last night, I did 40+ sit ups on an incline bench without breaking a sweat. I lost count because I got bored, so I stopped doing the sit ups. Yes, I am goofy. So I continued working on my abs thru other sources -then I felt the pain. I am elated that my rubberband is back!!
The Personal ReOrg
As far as the structure, well, I've redesigned my own agenda. I've never been a person that adhered to 'factory instituted structure' as schools are run today. I also very much enjoyed working late into the night, but now I really enjoy knowing just how much I've accomplished before 10am. Imagine that!
I guess time is just relative.
Getting up in the morning has never been a problem for me, neither has working hard -I just liked the idea of 'setting my own hours,' even if that meant working until 2am. The real challenge laid in the hours between 5-7pm when it was dinner time and I just wanted to finish a few loose ends; unfortunately, the family had other ideals. Dinner... Pftsth!
Some people get it right away, for others, like myself, it takes a while longer. Design my life around the most important goal: Me.
The question always asked of me was, "What do you want to do?" Heh! That part was easy. The real question should have been, "How do you see yourself fitting into your own life?"
One day, I might actually retire (who retires from illustrating, really?) and my body will always be here, gliding one day to the next, month-to-month, year-to-year. Hopefully, when I'm 85, I'll be proud to walk upright into the gym, lifting free-weights like the boomers and geezers today knowing exactly how I fit into my own life.
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