Friday, February 18, 2005

Aha! -Part 1 - Understanding Your Creative CORE

You Do Have a Creative Personality

After taking a brief test, I realize that I embody almost all 45 characteristics of a creative person. This makes me look pretty neurotic. I must be insane admitting this for the world to see, but these result in a creative individual -and I'll take it!

I don't subscribe to the misconceptions and limiting beliefs as outlined in this sub-chapter, which is a benefit to any creative endeavor and lifestyle. Creativity can be learned, logic and creativity can coexist, and producing a masterpiece is definitely subjective - it just matters how well it's been marketed to the masses. I've seen some pretty lame stuff get promoted and excel in the world of mediocrity. So, until you find an ingenious firm to advertise your work, that book of ideas or painting will find itself alone and dust-covered in the attic.

There is power to be creative in many ways. Seven ways are described from verbal/linguistic, mathematical/logic, spatial, musical, kinesthetic, intrapersonal, and interpersonal. I realized that I excel in 2/3 of these ways, and definitely find weakness in a few others. I also acknowledge my weakness(es) and don't allow them to undermine my abilities -that's key. I ask for help where needed and still can't remember how to measure the time and distance of two oncoming trains. I'll just bring out my crayons to color the pie charts.

Most importantly, we need to own our creativity and in order to do so, Jordan points out four fundamental elements of the creative spirit. Hence C.O.R.E.: Curiosity, Openness, Risk, Energy. The understanding of these leads into a mini workshop to chart your comfort zone. If you never really understood 'thinking out of the box' he certainly defines it here -charts & all!

In the end, this establishes a nexus relationship between your creative spirit and the 10 strategies previously discussed.

Creative Mind Asks: Who are the risk takers in your life and how did they overcome the concerns you have? Additionally, what methods do you use to enhance your energy?


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