Thursday, May 26, 2005

Common Sense According to Jim Clark

Here's a great quote from Jim Clark -it's a bit of common sense really, but it doesn't hurt to hear it again... and again.

"Talk to your potential customers about what they want. And don't try to make the product do everything for everyone. Engineers often make this mistake. It's the Swiss Army knife mentality. They want to put everything into it. Don't."

Business 2.0, May 2005

Friday, May 06, 2005

What Is Your Brand Wearing?

"One thing I've come to realize, is that in the grand scheme of life, your looks are not the most important thing in the world. But that doesn't mean they should be neglected, because your appearance tells others how you expect to be treated." Clinton Kelly, Co-Host of What Not to Wear

While Clinton is talking about personal fashion appeal, I believe this statement can be broad enough to apply to your business identity, too.

Remember that when you've decided to take your business identity into your own hands, chances are, you're either going to abuse it or neglect it. I'd say it's not entirely your fault, but consider what happens to your visual brand if you let your nephew get ahold of it?

Feel that shudder? That's the hairs on your back standing at attention because you just flushed your business' future into the mismanaged hands of a 10 year old. The result is essentially the same whether you pull clipart for your logo or a crayon rendering from your child: either way, your business & marketing plan hasn't really been considered during these crucial decision making events.

"First impressions make a difference. And it’s as easy to put on a good pair of pants as an ugly pair of pants. So once you know what actually fits your body, if it’s going to take the same amount of effort, why not look polished? Why not look impressive?" adds Stacy London.

What is your brand wearing?