Monday, October 22, 2007

YABO: The Lonely Cat Woman's Answer

Ever get that weird and worrisome feeling that you'll become the infamous lonely ol' cat lady at the end of the street? I know I do. I also worry about what appliances I've abandoned that are left hot and will potentially kill my helpless pussycats. I shall worry no more.

The designer, Kim Yong, indicates that the YABO will meet the master at the door upon arrival, monitor home appliances and electronics, maintain temperature and humidity, and expresses emotion by rotating and color-changing its face.

How cool is that? I love living in the Jetson age -I'm so lucky.

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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A Hybrid Worth Having: The Honda CR-Z

Honda is debuting their latest/next entry into the world of hybrid cars at this month's Tokyo auto show. The car, the Honda CR-Z, is intended to be a small four seat hybrid sports car that is intended to showcase the abilities of hybrid cars beyond great gas mileage and 0-60 times measured on a calendar.

Honda recently cancelled their hybrid Accord due to poor sales, but from all of the reviews I read, the car really kicked ass when it came to performance. My guess is that the engineers at Honda have taken this same system and put it in a smaller, lighter and more agile car. If that's the case, the CR-Z will be one hybrid worth driving.

Hurray for Honda once again.

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