Monday, November 14, 2005

Self Promotion Revisited & Rewarded

A few weeks ago, I talked about including a SIGLine at the end of each of your emails. I'm here to tell you that it works!

Yesterday afternoon (on a Sunday!) I received a call from a potential client who had familiarized herself with our work at Surtex back in May. She and her art director are in need of my services and needed to follow one of the links I had provided for a library of images. During the course of the Summer, I had rearranged my files on my FTP server causing the link to become defunct (bad Lisa!).

A bit befuddled, she referred to my email and found my contact information. It was then she called me to tell me of their needs.

Design Thought Strategy: Info easily obtained equates with immediate gratification. Potential clients have only a few seconds they're donating to find you -don't make it difficult; it could mean losing business!


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