Monday, March 27, 2006

Andrew Speaking At Another Conference

I'm speaking in New York at the Internal Branding Conference that is happening April 26th and 27th. My topic is Corporate Anthropology: Aligning Internal and External Efforts - which pretty much speaks for itself. Ok, maybe not, but essentially I am talking about how to use a company's history and cultural underpinnings to help define its brand going forward. I'm a big believer that the roots of past success are generally the roots of future success for many companies.

I'll say more once I have the presentation pulled together. It has to be submitted by April 1 to the conference organizers, but knowing me, I'll be working on it the night before.

Oh, and if you want to meet us both, Lisa is going to be in New York at the same time attending the PrintSource show at the Hotel Pennsylvania.

See you there.


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