Melville Nailed It
"It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation."
H. Melville
This is the best title I could summon after what I experienced last evening. Once a week I check the stats on the Web sites to determine the value of what we do. Upon opening the stat chart, I see that a slew of folks are coming from... a personal wedding site??
Immediately I discover that an image that I illustrated two years ago for my wedding has been pilfered. They didn't do it the smart way, but, well, I'm not going to tell you how because I don't want any other miscreants illegally yanking copyright images from other sites -including my own!

This is where they pulled the image:
I blasted a note to the offending parties. I also suspected that the engaged couple were innocent since they had the site designed by 'a friend.' Nevertheless, I caught their attention with both the note and the new image they now sported on their Web site.

The image enlarged for better viewing:
Indeed I did. A few hours later, I receive this retort:
"We were certainly not using the images for any commercial purpose and did not see harm in it. The images were found at google/images. The images have now been removed from the site. Thank you for pointing out the copyright violation." Signed, the Webmistress
Thank you for pointing out the copyright violation?? Puh-leeze!
Hence, my final blow:
"Regardless of how the images were harvested, Google or otherwise, does not make pilfering ethical. Double it goes for not using it for commercial purposes.
As a Webmaster yourself, you should become acquainted with copyright infringement otherwise you could damage your reputation as a designer among your cliental."
Please, whatever you do, do not compromise the integrity of your value system to make a few bucks. The heart on this personal Web site didn't even add value to their overall personal brand. Additionally, the webmistress had pilfered a German artists work to include on this site, unbeknownst to the couple that hired said designer.
The German designer has been notified.
Way to go Lisa! With so many possibilities for hearts---and thousands that are copyright free, no excuse is good enough for stealing your design.
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