Monday, November 14, 2005

Saving Face: Messaging

Sunday's NYT reported that Tom Cruise had yet again, moved to another publicist -after recently firing his sister. After going 'off message' by jumping on Oprah's couch professing his new love, he derailed the real reason he was on the show: to promote his new film.

While publicists are generally ringmasters of an individual's personal life and career, it's up to the individual to adhere to the advice of the ringmaster to carefully chart the waters of public life. Tom's fall from public grace happened for many reasons, one of them being his choice not to abide by his publisict's plan.

Needless to say, Tom's new publicist needs to implement emergency messaging and that's going to involve his buy-in. Their strategies will be to reacquaint his fans with his famous boyish charm and dilute his personal criticisms on health issues.

Design Thought Strategy Messaging must remain positive -albeit personal or professional- to continue charting the waters to success. Finding a good ringmaster that you trust to assist you with public life is mandatory if you want to continue instilling trust in your clients. Finding a ringmaster who can provide damage control when messaging goes astray is worth his weight in gold.

I am incredibly lucky to have Andrew in my life and as a business partner to provide such guidance; I believe everyone needs an Andrew in their life. If you want Andrew in your life, contact him, I'm sure he'd be happy to help consult with you and your messaging strategies -he's definitely worth his weight in gold!


At 9:32 AM, November 16, 2005, Blogger Jeanne Rhea said...

Good post! I thought I was reading Andrew's thoughts until I got to the last paragraph and saw your plug for him. I still can't believe Tom fired his sister. Did not see anything written that she encouraged this behavior. I think the whole world could easily see who is ultimately responsible for his image.

At 10:44 AM, November 16, 2005, Blogger CREATIVEGoddess said...

I'd agree, on many counts. It takes trust in the friends around you -including the people one's hired- to use them as your "mirror." Providing honest feedback is one of many ways to solid growth and accountability.

This is why Andrew is my brilliant ally.


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