Monday, June 12, 2006

Insurance for Small Biz

I've had several small business owners tell me that they can't afford a CPA to do their taxes.

My response: You can't afford NOT to.

Ever since I had begun to freelance my design services, I had hired a CPA to do whatever it is CPAs do for me at tax time, sign their name, tell me where to sign and send my paperwork. Frankly, if the IRS calls me in for an audit, you can be assured that my CPA is going to get hauled in, too.

Here's another tip: We all know that the IRS loves to hassle business owners, especially if they're small. Once you've consulted w/a CPA to get your taxes done, chances are pretty good the IRS is going to leave you alone since you've got someone certified on your side.

I think of CPAs as insurance for the small biz so I can sleep at night.


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