Wednesday, March 16, 2005

"Leading" Your Brand

It is more apparent than ever that brands today require clear, concise and visionary leadership in order to make an impact. Even if you have the key components of brand in place - a clear message, strong positioning, great story and highly distinct elements - you still need to be able to articulate them to your target audience.

Traditionally this is done through vehicles such as PR, advertising and promotions that require the audience to engage reactively. On the proactive side most brand development is done through sales engagements and personal meetings. These methods have historically worked very well, but their influence is starting to wane as markets become more competitive and media constantly delivers a greater diversity of messages.

To fight through the clutter today, you must turn the interactions your brand has with your target audience into experiences. You must tell a compelling and resonant story that connects with them at a level beyond just a transaction. You must inspire your audience to act. You must "lead" them to the understanding of your brand you want them to have. In today's cluttered marketplace there is no better way to make your brand distinct than to lead your audiences understanding.


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